Become a Partner

Great projects require great partners, and we at EME know this well.

From the very first moment we believed in the potential of teamwork, which is why we are constantly looking for reliable, dynamic partners with a great desire to get involved. Partners like us, in short.

We manage various projects ranging from writing European projects, organizing Erasmus+, work placements abroad (outgoing), work placements for foreign nationals in Italian companies (incoming), and training courses in various fields.

Hosting resources: what are the benefits for the host enterprise?

Welcoming foreign resources into your company and training them professionally is enriching in personal, professional and linguistic terms. In particular it will enable you to:

  • Get in touch with international realities,
  • Opening new markets,
  • Introduce innovation into the company,
  • Creating new opportunities.

Internships in Europe: what are the benefits for those who decide to do an internship abroad?

A work experience abroad is life-changing and provides an unparalleled cultural and professional background. In particular it will enable you to:

  • Learning and perfecting foreign languages, first and foremost English,
  • To carry out work experiences that are highly valued in the working world,
  • Have multicultural experiences and create international friendships.

Training and language courses: what are the benefits and who can participate?

We employ a team of experts in various disciplines to conduct training courses tailored to the needs of the requesting entity.

Training courses are open to all, vary in duration, and range in various disciplines e.g. digital marketing, teaching techniques, language courses (including in specific areas), disability and inclusion at school, project writing, ICT for teachers, and Bullying and Cyberbullying.

Contact us to create an ad hoc training course together.

Project writing: how can we support you?

Your ideas deserve to take shape, and we at EME can provide all the support you need to make your cultural exchange project a reality. Tell us your idea and we will help you respond to the call, put your project down on paper and guide you toward its implementation.

Tell us about your project and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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